India's Mahindra to sell hybrid SUVs in the US

Here's a news story so short there's no need to digest it. All we can do is put it in a bit more context. Reuters is reporting that India's Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. will start selling hybrid SUVs in the U.S. When? Don't know. What kind, exactly? No clue. All we know is that Mahindra & Mahindra managing director said earlier today that, "Given the growing opposition to SUVs in the United States, we have a plan to market hybrid SUVs." OK then.

As we've mentioned before, Mahindra has talked about selling vehicles in the States for a few years now. Before today's announcement, the Indian automaker's main plans included new two- and four-door pickups (pictured). Mahindra has also previously said they'll sell the Scorpio SUV in the U.S. starting next year. We'll keep our browsers peeled for more information.


[Source: Reuters]

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