The Flava of Jag: Five bidders expected for Jaguar and Land Rover

According to an inside source who spoke with Automotive News, Ford will be narrowing down the potential suitors for Jaguar and Land Rover by the end of the week. While not nearly as entertaining, or enticing, as most prime-time match-making shows, the dwindling bidder list confirms a few names that we've heard before and a few others we'll surely get to know soon.

In the second round of Who Wants to Buy an Ailing British Automaker, the bidders are rumored to be India's Tata Motors, One Equity, Ripplewood, TPG and Terra Firm (those last four are mainly buyout groups). Pricing for both brands is expected to be around $1.5 billion – far from Ford's initial hopes of close to $8 billion – and it's safe to expect a third round of talks by the end of the year that will reduce the field down to two or three.

[Source: Automotive News – Sub. Req.]

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