Officially Official: Volkswagen Eos a chick car

There are some cars on the market that you can tell just by looking at them were designed for one particular sex over the other. Prime examples include Volvo's station wagon lineup or any of the Peugeot cabrios, but until now there's been no definitive answer as to which car is best suited for females. Thanks to EveCars, a website on motoring skewed towards women, we now have one car that was picked over all others as the ladies' choice for Car of the Year.

Readers of the site were able to nominate their favorite cars for this year's voting, which were then reduced to a list of 27 finalists. The cars were then picked by an eight-member jury comprising editors and industry experts (one male was included) who ultimately chose Volkswagen's Eos convertible as the clear winner.

Things the judges looked for included how popular the cars were in their respective categories, as well as how much overall appeal they had. The VW was picked because of its metal folding roof, space for four occupants and a sporty chassis. We're sure there are a lot of Autoblog regulars out there who could name a few 'ladies' choice' cars of their own, but we think EveCars got this one right.

[Source: Eve Cars via VW Vortex]

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