BMW wants 1-series to ape MINI's inaugural success

The man behind the MINI's launch in 2001, Jack Pitney, is heading up the marketing effort for BMW's new 1-series in the U.S., and he's hoping that the same warm reception granted to the MINI will be duplicated with the new 1.

A first run of anything, whether it's a comic or a car, seems to carry a certain amount of cachet. So BMW is planning on adding special badging, a certificate of authenticity and a special book outlining the coupe's development to all 1-series models sold in the States during its first year.

Enthusiasts have already made their voice heard on the 'Net, with over 100,000 people signing up for updates on the 1-series through BMW's website. The automaker is hoping that interest will turn into preorders, and is expecting that a high percentage of 1-series coupes will already be sold before they hit dealers this spring.

[Source: Automotive News – sub. req.]

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