Auto Alliance, Pew Campaign have different responses to Vermont GHG decision

Some are happy, some are sad with the decision yesterday by Judge Sessions in Vermont on the possibility of state fuel economy rules that would, in effect, supplant federal legislation.
On the one hand, we have the Pew Campaign for Fuel Efficiency, on the other we have the Auto Alliance. Pew Campaign director Phyllis Cuttino said in a statement that:

Today's ruling shows that the only ones who don't believe in the U.S. auto industry are the U.S. auto industry.

Today's ruling by the U.S. District Court is more proof that auto industry arguments opposing meaningful fuel efficiency increases are no longer credible. U.S. District Judge William K. Sessions' ruling bluntly articulates what Americans overwhelmingly believe, what the National Academy of Sciences has found and what foreign automobile manufacturers have demonstrated: greater fuel efficiency is achievable without sacrificing vehicle size or power.

Auto industry lawyers are trying to convince judges that fuel efficiency is unattainable and auto industry lobbyists are waging a campaign in Washington, DC to weaken and delay or defeat a U.S. Senate bipartisan compromise to require automakers to achieve an average of 35 miles per gallon by 2020. This measure would not only make America more secure by saving 1.2 million barrels of oil a day, but also save American families $25 billion per year at the gas pump. It would also help Detroit to better compete with foreign automakers.

Got that, car companies? Maybe not. The president of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, Dave McCurdy, released a statement on the decision, which basically says that the fuel economy should be set by the feds and an appeal of Sessions ruling is possible. Read the full statement after the jump.

[Source: Pew Campaign for Fuel Efficiency]


Federal law is designed to ensure a consistent fuel economy program across the country," said Dave McCurdy, president & CEO, Alliance. "It makes sense that only the federal government can regulate fuel economy. Automakers support improving fuel economy standards nationally, rather than piecemeal and will continue to work with the Congress, NHTSA and EPA to reduce our oil dependence while increasing fuel economy.

Concerning EPA's decision on whether to grant the requested waiver, the Alliance remains committed to working with policymakers to make certain that the EPA's judgment is based on credible, sound scientific data as to what policies truly impact California, its citizens and global climate concerns.

The Alliance will continue studying the decision and considering the options, including an appeal.

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