Fuel cell company spends $125,000 on lobbying

When you think lobbying group, the first thing that comes to mind is probably not green energy. But, with Congress back in session and a new green energy bill floating around, there are millions of dollars for companies up for grabs. This means growth in the wind and biofuel lobby and even the fuel cell lobby. Yeah, fuel cells.
Plug Power Inc. spent $125,000 in the first half of 2007 trying to convince Senate to extend fuel cell tax credit. Plug Power also wants to make sure Senators have all the information about the wonderful benefits of those fuel cell programs at the defense and energy department.

Lobbyists have become an issue in the '08 elections. Many people feel they have too much influence on policy. Below the fold is a video I recorded from the Newshour about the growth in lobbying groups. The growth over the last few years is really amazing.

[Source: Forbes]

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