Chrysler may sell or close Mopar

There are perhaps better bloggers out there to eulogize the potential passing of Mopar, Chrysler's high-performance and specialty parts division. Those with more wrinkles on their brow could reflect on days when Mopar muscle ruled the streets and stalked stoplights like a hungry predator. It's future as a division of the newly-named Chrysler LLC is in doubt, as reports are surfacing this morning that it may be sold or even closed, along with Chrysler Transport, the division that delivers parts and supplies to the company's various plants.
Of course, everything's on the table during a turnaround, so the possibility of Chrysler selling a division that defines a large part of its identity is not surprising. It appears the idea of shedding Mopar was put on the table during contract talks with the UAW that are happening as we speak. Mopar and Chrysler Transport represent about 1,300 paid employees, and it appears these people are being used as a bargaining tool in a high stakes game of chicken. Hopefully they'll still have their jobs after Sept. 14th when the current contract between the automaker from Auburn Hills and the UAW expires.

[Source: Blogging Stocks]

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