Ford offering free ecodriving courses during Frankfurt International Motorshow

If you're planning to visit the Frankfurt Int'l Motorshow you can visit Ford's stand on EcoDriving. The American brand with a site in Cologne is offering a taste of their latest courses in ecological driving. Ford claims that with simple tips, a driver can save up to 500 kg of CO2 per year. Placed in German numbers, if every German driver followed these tips, they could save up to 25 million tons of CO2, which is what 10 million people pollute for heating and hot water. If you want the figures in money, think about 300 EUR (400 USD) in gas costs if you drive about 12,000 km per year (8,000 miles).

There will be 6 Ford Mondeos available for a 30-minute course, given by certified teachers and learning how to save a 25 percent in your greenhouse emissions. Because while anyone can acquire a more efficient car, without savvy driving, they can miss all the potential benefits.

If you can't attend the course, follow this post on a similar course by Volvo for 10 easy tips to save fuel (and I try to apply most of them - and they really work).

[Source: Ford]

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