Ikea switches to hybrid company cars

Ikea, the Swedish furniture and homeware brand that has brought Scandinavian design to the masses, has announced that all management team in Spain, or at least those (lucky ones) who have company cars, will have hybrids. The model is a Toyota Prius, and some would say "of course".

The switch to the popular hybrid model will be performed as the lease of current vehicles expire until they reach 44 at the end of this year. The plan is part of Ikea's announcement to reduce greenhouse gases emissions on transport 9 percent before 2010 and reducing waste from packages.

A recent Ikea campaign celebrating Madrid's third shop included giving away free metro (subway) tickets for shoppers.

Now, what if they could team up to make a foldable and recyclable car? Maybe I've seen too many reruns of Dragon Ball...

[Source: Europa Press]

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