Friday Humor: Henry Payne's CARtoons


Usually for our Friday Humor, we find an odd article and in some way twist it into something resembling green auto-related news. Sometimes, this is effective, sometimes not so much. But, this week, we're gonna be a bit more conventional in our humor. While I was e-paging through my online copy of The Detroit News, I found a link to Henry Payne's CARtoons, and this one regarding the Smart FourTwo jumped out at me. I drive on I-75 regularly, and I can honestly say that I hate that road. I cracked a rim in a pothole near Detroit a few years ago, and I always know what lane I'm based on the harmonic frequency resonating through my car. Michigan surely has some rough roads...

But, would driving in a Smart make that any worse? I doubt it... at least not to me. Granted, semi truck drivers sometimes have the habit of moving slower traffic over, but it's not like the car is incapable of freeway speeds. The safety cage which makes up the passenger compartment would make me feel a bit better about the drive as well. But, to each his own, I guess.

[Source: Henry Payne / The Detroit News]

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