Alec Brooks joins Tesla as Director of Vehicle Technology

Tesla has beefed up their engineering staff again by hiring Alec Brooks as their new Director of Vehicle Technology. Alec is well known to many EV fans as the Project Manager and Chief Engineer on the GM Impact concept which eventually evolved into the EV1. After his time at General Motors ended he worked as AC Propulsion as Chief Technology Officer and was part of the team behind the tZero electric prototype.
Interestingly, the unavailability of tZero was what prompted Martin Eberhard to start Tesla. More recently Brooks has worked on a vehicle-to-grid demonstration project and remains a prominent advocate of electric vehicles.

[Source: Tesla Motors] Electric Vehicle Pioneer Alec Brooks Joins Tesla Motors Team

With more than 25 years of engineering and design experience on projects like the GM Impact and EV1, Alec Brooks Brought on as Director of Vehicle Technology at Tesla Motors

SAN CARLOS, Calif. -- (July 26, 2007) -- Tesla Motors, a manufacturer of high-performance electric cars, has hired Alec Brooks as the Director of Vehicle Technology. Alec brings to Tesla Motors his experience as the Project Manager and Chief Engineer on GM's Impact Electric Car. The Impact was the inspiration for GM's production electric car, the EV1, and its existence helped prompt the California Air Resources Board to adopt their ground-breaking Zero Emission Vehicle mandate in 1990.

"Alec's experience and insight in the field of electric vehicle program development is unrivaled and he makes a welcome addition to the Tesla engineering team, said JB Straubel, Chief Technology Officer at Tesla Motors. "He joins a vibrant and dynamic engineering program and his contributions here will no doubt prove to be invaluable."

Prior to joining Tesla, Alec had previously held the role of Chief Technology Officer at AC Propulsion where he contributed to the development of the ground-breaking tzero prototype electric car and also led the first-ever vehicle-to-grid demonstration project with support from the California Air Resources Board and the California grid operator, the Cal ISO. He continues to be a proponent for, and expert in the field of, both vehicle-to-grid program development as well as public policy as it relates to the development of alternative fuel vehicle technology, including benchmarking electric vehicles against fuel cell alternatives.

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