Honda deploys staff to pump gas, carry groceries

The Southern California Honda Dealers Association is trying some friendly, if a bit odd, tactics to sell more new cars. Dealers in the group are sending out its employees in blue Honda shirts to carry groceries, pump free gas and hand out complimentary popcorn at theaters. Pasadena drivers were even treated to free parking, when one street's parking meters were covered in blue hoods that said, "It's on us," and "Helpful Honda."
The L.A. Times' story says the helpful Honda employees aren't trying to sell cars and don't even mention their employer or their reasons for helping. Honda hopes those who receive assistance say to themselves, "That was nice of Honda. Now, what has MY car's company done for me lately?"

While the story doesn't cite any numbers to indicate whether the five-month-old campaign is working, the reporter witnessed at least one free gas recipient vow to buy a Honda next time. We've definitely seen crazier things for a free tank.

[Source: The L.A. Times]

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