Would you call Al Gore a Nazi? The Association of British Drivers pretty much does

Governments often withhold the right to limit some forms of advertising that children may see, whether it's for cigarettes or R-rated movies.The idea is to protect young children while their minds are impressionable.
The Association of British Drivers, though, thinks kids are getting the wrong impression over climate change, and has issued a statement comparing the UK government's Carbon Control program to Nazi techniques. Sadly, I'm not exaggerating.

Here's how the ABD puts it:

The 'Carbon Control' project, organised by the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce (RSA) ... presents as received wisdom the one sided message that climate change is totally man-made. Then, it relentlessly imparts the notion that lifestyle changes are essential to prevent catastrophic climate change. It does this in the hope that children will harangue their parents to reduce their 'carbon footprint' by using their cars less, and other ideologically motivated lifestyle changes.

An RSA press release issued on the 14th June 2007 described children as "influencers on their parents' decisions". This has worrying echoes of the way children were used to exert control over their parents in 1930's Germany.

(the full press release, which include a statement by the ABD Chairman saying carbon control is "mind control," is after the jump)

Now, we don't mind a bit of debate on climate issues. But to compare asking people to drive less with Nazi programs is going way beyond the pale. If you poke around the Carbon Control website, you'll see it's a fairly standard series of pages that asks students to be aware of the carbon they're putting into the air, and tries to get them to compete to reduce that amount. One-sided? Maybe. Nazi-like? Give me a break. Whatever merits the ABD's argument might have had go out the window for me when they make this comparison.

The only reason I can think that the ABD would make this outlandish claim is because they're sick of being ignored. Well guys, here's your attention. Let's see what other idiotic thing you say now that everyone's paying attention.

Oh, and the reason I added Al Gore's name to the headline of this story is because the ABD has little love for him, and has fought against schools showing "An Inconvenient Truth."

[Source: Association of British Drivers]

***Press Release follows***

The Association of British Drivers is very concerned about a government-backed scheme which targets children as young as seven with man-made climate change messages.

The 'Carbon Control' project[1], organised by the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce (RSA[2]) is being run in cooperation with DEFRA (The Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs).

The project, which is also supported by Tesco, presents as received wisdom the one sided message that climate change is totally man-made. Then, it relentlessly imparts the notion that lifestyle changes are essential to prevent catastrophic climate change. It does this in the hope that children will harangue their parents to reduce their 'carbon footprint' by using their cars less, and other ideologically motivated lifestyle changes.

An RSA press release issued on the 14th June 2007 described children as "influencers on their parents' decisions". This has worrying echoes of the way children were used to exert control over their parents in 1930's Germany.

ABD Environment Spokesman Ben Adams said: "More and more adults are rightly becoming sceptical about the party line on climate change, and the "global warming industry" is resorting to increasingly desperate tactics to keep their scare story bandwagon rolling. Education is supposed to teach children to think for themselves - and to protect them from brainwashing on issues they cannot fully understand. We already have parents trying to prevent the uncritical showing of Al Gore's money-spinning, but scientifically dubious "Inconvenient Truth" as part of the National Curriculum, and parents will be similarly unimpressed by this latest tactic."

ABD Chairman Brian Gregory said: "This is not 'carbon control', this is 'mind control', and I am appalled that Tesco are participating in this exercise to turn the nation's children into political weapons against their own parents. I would urge Tesco to re-consider their involvement in this scheme, as they could well find that they alienate parents, who may decide to take their business elsewhere."

1 http://www.carboncontrol.org.uk/aboutus/default.aspa
2 www.rsa.org.uk

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