Buy a condo, get a Land Rover

All those job cuts that have been hitting Detroit the past few years are taking a pretty heavy toll on property values. Apparently the housing market in Detroit is so bad that sellers are resorting to pretty drastic measures to get their properties noticed. Our pals at Jalopnik tipped us off to a pretty amazing offer they came across. Los Jalops were driving through Royal Oak the other day and spotted an interesting deal for a Center Street Loft condo on Main Street. Buy a loft, get a Land Rover. We don't see the fine print anywhere, so we don't know the specific model or terms (an LR2 is visible on the advertisement), but the choice of a Land Rover might be an ominous portent now that news of Ford's desire to shed the brand has leaked. Ray Wert III says he's holding out for more than just a Land Rover, though. He wants the whole brand if he puts a deposit down on a two bedroom/1.5 bath overlooking Memphis Smoke.
[Source: Jalopnik]

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