Rochester, N.Y. will host "Fuel Cell 2007" conference in mid-June

Fuel Cell Magazine (yes, there is such a thing) is the proud sponsor of "Fuel Cell 2007", a conference for organizations and industry people interested in learning about the latest in fuel cell technology. Presentations will be given not only on automotive fuel cells, but portable and stationary fuel cells as well.

The keynote speaker will be James Horowitz, senior analyst at Emerging Energy Research of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Other speakers will include Matt Fronk, GM fuel cell research chief engineer. The conference will be held on June 15th, at the Hyatt Regency in Rochester, NY. Apparently that's where the hub of fuel cell research and activity is. If you can't make it there yourself, stay tuned here and we'll report on the goings-on.

[Source: Fuel Cell Magazine]

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