910 HP 9ff-tuned Porsche Turbo cabrio

We still remember being extremely excited about the 200 HP, 2.5L V6 in the SVT Contour, so every time the think of FWD family sedans approaching 300 HP, we shake our heads in amazement. And if an Altima can have 275hp, then what the heck do automakers do with exotic sports cars? Easy, crank up the juice until drivers are able to break the sound barrier on the Interstate track. Somewhere around 600-650hp, OEMs start to get nervous, and the aftermarket takes over.

The tuning specialists over at 9ff took an "ordinary" 911 turbo cabrio and kicked up the power into the 910 HP stratosphere. Since the standard 911 turbo can hit 60 MPH in under four seconds, we can't imagine what would happen if you doubled the grunt on a car that weighs only 3,200 lbs. Since 60 will come and go well before you kick it into second gear, perhaps top speed is most relevant here, and achieving speeds that pass 240 MPH has already been done by 9ff while using only 850 HP. 9ff has already done a coupe and Carerra GT versions with identical power numbers, so the drop-top was easy.

At some point we fully expect the horsepower war to taper off, but you won't hear us calling for a truce. We hope this monster comes with a standard helmet and a four-point safety harness.

[Source: Motor Authority]

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