VIDEO: New M3 promo surfaces

Oh sweet, sweet BMW M3, how we dream of thee. With 420 horsepower, an abundance of carbon fiber, and brakes that could stop a stampede, the M3 represents the pinnacle of luxury sport coupes. Every time we force the M3 to the back of our minds, yet another story or video pops up to remind just how much we want this machine.

The folks over at StreetFire have a terrific new promo of the M3 on the road, looking fast, gorgeous and mean, all at the same time. We're assuming that the theme of the 30-second spot is that the M3 makes everything around it better, and we are pretty sure we don't need to be reminded of that. The only complaint we have with the spot is the music; we would have preferred that the 4.0L engine supplied the tunes.

Follow the jump to take a look at the video, and let us know if there is a better looking car in white for under $75,000 than the one you see in the spot (Lotus Exige? -Ed.).

[Source: StreetFire]

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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