VIDEO: Life is like a box of Brazilian VW Golfs

Autoblog Spanish has a commercial made by a Brazilian ad agency to support the launch of the new 2008 Golf in Brazil. Channeling Forrest Gump, the subtitled, 2-minute spot turns "Run, Forrest, run!" into "Drive, Forrest, drive!"
After talking to Golf owners, VW discovered that Golfies had a tendency to just get in their cars and drive with no particular destination in mind. Taking the man who was born to run as their guide, the AlmapBBDO agency dressed a fellow in Gump's trademark style and had had him tell a story about taking his little red Golf from one side of the country to the other. The commercial is quirky enough, but if you can follow the links in Portuguese, you'll even get to drive your own (Shockwave) Golf from one end of your monitor to the other, and that's exactly the kind of neat little time-waster we expect from VW.
[Source: Autoblog Spanish]

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