Sens. Durbin and Hagel ask for NIE on security and climate change

Here's a story that would make James Woolsey very happy. Woolsey, who used to head the CIA and is today more often seen promoting alternatives to foreign oil for national security reasons, will certainly at some point chime in on this story, I'm sure. The story is that Sens. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., and Dick Durbin, D-Ill., have submitted a bill asking for a National Intelligence Estimate on the way that climate change affects national security challenges for the United States. We know driving cleaner (or, better, driving less) helps the environment, but perhaps soon we'll be able to know exactly how much it helps keep soldiers at home instead of on the battlefield.
Hagel and Durbin submitted the bill two weeks ago and Grist/Salon say this might be a way for Hagel "to position himself for a presidential run -- combining national security, a key GOP issue, with climate change, the big topic du jour." Hagel and Durbin don't agree on how to combat global warming (Durbin supports a federal cap on greenhouse gases, Hagel shirks from that idea), but it's good to see bipartisan support for educated information.

Read the full article here.

[Source: Salon]

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