Arizona State extending fuel cell-life with antifreeze

Researchers at Arizona State University, working on prolonging the life of hydrogen fuel-cells by increasing hydrogen storage density, have hit upon a new chemical combination to achieve their goal. By taking sodium borohydride which is used to store the hydrogen, and adding to it a chemical found in antifreeze, the researchers have found that the fuel-cell can generate more electricity without chemical by-products inhibiting the reaction. Fuel-cells are expected to be utilised in virtually every application in which conventional batteries are currently used once the technology and production capabilities have advanced to make them cost effective.

Analysis: Breakthroughs in the lab today are expected to take between three to five years to reach the market so we could be looking fuel-cells using this storage technique as early as 2010. However, even once the technology itself is ready, a hydrogen distribution infrastructure will still need to be established.

[Source: ASU Foundation via FuelCellToday]

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