Do you think that the Chrysler employees's buyout offer was fair?


We thought that we would share some quotes of Chrysler employees who were offered the incentive to leave the company for up to $100,000.

"I'm not happy with it," said Ron Toerper, a 49-year-old skilled trade worker at Chrysler's Warren Stamping plant speaking about the lack of any car vouchers that some white collar workers were offered. "I'm just asking our union representative why we can't get the same deal. Where's the parity?"

Terry Ammons, who lives in Detroit was counting on one of those car vouchers. "You have to ask yourself do you want to be in that kind of environment or do you feel comfortable with an incentive to go out with?" she said.

Debra Morton feels slighted. "Unless an act of God or an act of luck happens, it would be very difficult for a person like me to take that buyout," she said.

Mike Tremain, the odd man out from this story, said the offer is fair. "These people are going anyway," Tremain said. "It's an excellent offer for anybody that's ready. You can't beat it. It's the American way. Where else can you go and work for a year and leave with an incentive."

These quotes give an idea of what employees are thinking. You can read more by following the link to the Detroit News, which has been solicited reactions from the affected workforce. What do you think? Were the offers made to Chrysler workers fair?

[Source: Detroit News]

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