Honda and Keep America Beautiful team up for local clean up activities

American Honda and Keep America Beautiful will be sponsoring local clean up events in New York, Los Angeles and Gulfport, Mississippi this spring starting on March 3 in LA. Honda will be providing Civic Hybrids to volunteers who will go around to different parts of the city to plant trees and flowers, and clean up trash and graffiti. The events in New York and Gulfport will take place later in the spring. Honda will also be supporting the Great American Cleanup program that includes 30,000 clean up events in 14,000 communities across the country. The press release is after the jump.
[Source: Honda]
02/22/2007 - TORRANCE, Calif. -

American Honda Motor Co., Inc., announced today that it will work with Keep America Beautiful® to sponsor a series of local clean up activities in Los Angeles, New York and Gulfport, Mississippi from March through May. The series of events will kick off with a Keep Los Angeles Beautiful clean up rally on Saturday, March 3, 2007 on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall. With help from Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and a representative from the White House, American Honda will offer its support to volunteers as they plant trees and flowers, remove graffiti, pick up litter and recycle around various parts of the city utilizing Honda's eco-friendly Civic Hybrids.

Keep America Beautiful's Great American Cleanup™ is one of the largest annual grassroots programs committed to community improvement and education. As the official 2007 national automobile manufacturer sponsor of the Great American Cleanup, American Honda will support the organization's more than 2 million volunteers in 14,000 communities actively participating in 30,000 events dedicated to cleaning up and beautifying the environment across the nation.

"We are proud to support the Keep America Beautiful program to help our local communities stay clean and green," said Dick Colliver, executive vice president of American Honda Motor Co., Inc. "Honda prides itself on offering environmentally-responsible products like the Accord Hybrid, Civic GX natural gas vehicle and Civic Hybrid, and this project is consistent with our corporate philosophy."

To aid in spreading the word about the Keep America Beautiful's Great American Cleanup, American Honda is working with more than 100 of its local Honda dealers to provide information on clean up volunteer opportunities throughout the United States. The clean up event date for areas of Gulfport affected by Hurricane Katrina will be March 20, followed by April 24 for the New York City efforts in the five local boroughs.

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