Just don't drive it in the water. Subaru donating vehicles to annual National River Cleanup Week

I'm in Michigan, where the cold is keeping thoughts of going into rivers far from my mind right about now. But Subaru of America is gearing up for the summer warmth and the National River Cleanup Week (NRCW), scheduled for June 2-10. The NRCW, which brings thousands of volunteers out to hundreds of sites (60,000/422, respectively, last year), was started in 1992 to help "raise public awareness of the magnitude of trash accumulating in our nation's waterways." The most-collected category of trash in past cleanups has been fast food waste (33 percent), with paper (29) and aluminum (28) not far behind.
Subaru will provide vehicles and other, unidentified support to the American Rivers Campaign. If you'd like to contribute or volunteer, visit the National River Cleanup website.

Subaru isn't the only company that sometimes helps to literally cleans up the environment. There were, for example, Mitsubushi's Pajero forest cleanup package and Rolls Royce's planting of an 8-acre "living roof" with owl nests last year. Subaru also has a zero-waste factory in Indiana.

[Source: Subaru of America, Inc.]

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