Why was the Honda Crossroad in L.A.? Here's why...

Remember when we all wasted an afternoon trying to guess what car Honda was trotting around the streets L.A.? Good times, good times. The small CUV captured on camera by an Autoblog reader turned out to be the new Honda Crossroad the automaker officially unveiled just yesterday. Thanks to Carscoop, we know now what it was they were making in L.A. that day: a two-minute long promotional video pimping the new Crossroad. The video isn't revolutionary, rather standard marketing fluff centered around the combination Rubik's Cube / crossword puzzle graphic Honda's been showing with the Crossroad. In fact, it's a bit odd that a commercial for a JDM market vehicle features a bunch of Yanks in L.A. going surfing and breakdancing rather than, we don't know, Japanese people, maybe?

Check out the video after the jump.

[Source: Carscoop]

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