POLL RESULTS: What you think of Car and Driver's redesign... eek, not good

What we're hearing from the masses is that of those who participated in our totally unscientific poll, the vast majority either hate Car and Driver's new redesign or couldn't even tell the book had been redesigned anyway. Sounds like Mission Accomplished, if you ask us. There are a few peeps that do like the new design, about 12%, but considering that Car and Driver paid "big bucks" for this, we imagine they were hoping like 88% of people would love it, instead.

We wonder what this means for the biggest car magazine in the world. Is that title in jeapordy now (or more so than it was before) and If subscriptions are falling, how fast? A few readers noticed they began giving subscriptions away today, which means if you're too cheap to pay $12, $10 or even $3.99 for a year's subscription, perhaps the magazine would be worth paying nothing for. That's 100% off the cover price! The free subscriptions were spotted on Slickdeals.net (great site!) and hosted through freebizmag.com, but their inventory has already been depleted, so don't bother filling out your info and the questionnaire.

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