GM's "Vote for Volt" site gets lots of votes for the Volt

I understand that if you're the kind of person who goes to General Motor's official website on the Chevy Volt, you're likely interested in the electric car (with gasoline range extender). In fact, GM sort of skews your mind as you enter the polling area by calling it "Vote for Volt," as if it's a candidate. But, even with all these caveats, I'm impressed by the entirely one-sided results in favor of the Volt.

As of Tuesday noon-ish, with just over 300,000 valid responses, the people are 99.3% in favor of GM building the Volt, and 99.2% of responders say they'd consider buying one.

The other two NAIAS 2007 concept vehicles up on the site (the Saab Biopower Hybrid and the Camaro Convertible) don't get their own polls, so we can't compare the tallies. But I hope this convinces the decision-makers at GM that there is indeed consumer demand for a cool, clean car.

[Source: GM, h/t to Joseph Lundstrom, Jr.]

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