Future Tech is the topic du jour on Modern Marvels tonight

How the History Channel gets away with a show on the future, I'm not quite sure. Nonetheless, on the tube tonight (7 pm EST) will be their look at the future of technology, including some green vehicle tech as part of a wide-ranging list of topics (like rollercoasters, if the image on the History Channel's website is accurate). The History Channel site only hints about which car they're talking about is that it runs on processed seawater. As for the show itself, the History Channel says that, "With the help of 3D animation, we present some pretty far-out predictions and take you to various research labs to see working prototypes of these technologies in their infancy. Join us on a rollicking ride through the entertainment room, down the road, over the battlefield, through the mind, out in space, and into the future, where science fiction becomes science fact."

Oh, wait, I guess the past does play a role here: this episode first aired in June of 2005.

[Source: History Channel]

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