Will Bush make an "historic shift" on global warming during State of the Union speech?

Might I get a little bit of what I want, some straight talk on the environment from President Bush during his upcoming State of the Union Speech?

The word across the pond is that the Decider in Chief of the United States of America may have made "a historic shift" and decided that global warming does, indeed, exist and is a problem. If so, it's about freakin' time.

This rumor flies against what MSNBC's Caroline Daniel was saying a few weeks ago, but we're closer to the speech's delivery date now, so we'll say that the writers for the Guardian Unlimited got their hands on fresher information. They think Bush will announce his shift – previewed by the announcement that polar bears were an endangered species a few weeks ago – on January 23rd during the SotU. Nothing's guaranteed, though, as, "another source close to the negotiations warned that Bush had previously appeared to give ground on climate change, only to fail to make real concessions."

The upshot of all of this is that, according to Tony Blair, Bush's shift might lead to an international post-Kyoto emissions treaty. The Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012, and this new treaty might start to be discussed at this June's G8 summit.

Do you think he meant it when he said we were addicted to oil?

[Source: Gaby Hinsliff, Juliette Jowit and Paul Harris / The Guardian Unlimited]

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