Forbes picks Best, Worst and Weirdest car names

Comparing inappropriate car naming to McDonald's practice of calling its cheeseburgers "Royal" in France, Forbes magazine has come up with a list of the best, worst and weirdest car monikers. The editors at Forbes combed through the automotive encyclopedias and picked out a couple dozen vehicles that are noteworthy for their names, both good, bad, and just plain weird. While we have mixed feelings about non-automotive publications stepping on our turf, the list is entertaining. The "best" list includes mostly American icons. The "worst" list is broken into fake names and misguided euphemisms like the McDonald's "Royals." Americans again dominate. For the "weird," they turned to Japan, naturally. While we didn't find any particularly offensive inclusions or exclusions, we just know that most of you will have some additional suggestions. Like immediately putting the Naked on the "best" list. Here are a few items from each list.

Check out the complete list after the jump if you don't like slide shows, and then please discuss.

[Source: Forbes]

Worst – Fake Names
Worst – Misguided Grandiosity

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