Honda releases sketches of its Tokyo Auto Salon concepts

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On the heels of Mazda announcing their plans for the Tokyo Auto Salon, Honda has released sketches of the four vehicles it's planning on unveiling at the show. Because we can't read Japanese, we can't tell you much about them other than their names, which are:
  • Stream Sports Concept
  • Fit Daily Active Concept
  • Stream Exclusive Concept
  • Forza smart 2 seater concept
The Forza is a scooter, by the way. We're most interested in seeing how extensively Honda tricks out its new Stream MPV, which is one of the blog's favorite "forbidden fruit" JDM machines. If any of you Autoblog aficionados can read Japanese, we'd love to know what the blurbs with each sketch say, otherwise, we'll just have to wait 'till January, when Makuhari Messe turns into the epicenter of JDM car porn for a week.

(Additional pics after the jump)


Honda Tokyo Auto Salon Concepts:
Click to enlarge
Fit Daily Active Concept Firza 2 seater concept Stream Exclusive Concept

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