Welcoming two new bloggers to AutoblogGreen

You may have noticed the two new names that popped up on AutoblogGreen today and/or the removal of the "Bloggers Wanted" ad that used to sit over there on the right. What this all means is that I'm happy to announce that we've taken on two new writers: Jeremy Korzeniewski and Dane Muldoon. Dane's from Australia, and will give us a bit of an international perspective on the green car movement (and, if you think he spells things funny, well, maybe he thinks the same about us). Jeremy is based in the U.S., and is what is known as a bit of a green car freak. Please welcome Jeremy and Dane to our team, and if you yourself are new to the site, feel free to ask us questions by clicking on the comments link below. We're all ears.

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