Ford puts plant plans in park

The Detroit News reports that Ford has decided to halt its plans to build a low-cost auto plant in the southern U.S. The newspaper says Ford had intended the plant to be a UAW "beachhead" in an area of the U.S. covered with Japanese and German-owned plants. In exchange, the UAW was to give Ford competitive worker agreements at the plant so that cost-competitive cars could be produced there. Ford Americas President Mark Fields, however, pointed out the plan is not dead, just idled.
"We're still working through the business cases," Fields told DetNews. "still looking at the product plan and looking at how we're going to leverage more of our global resources. There's lots of moving parts."

Jim Hall of AutoPacific told the newspaper,
"I think they want to wait until they've nailed down the new bargaining agreement next fall."

[Source: The Detroit News]

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