Lutz definitely up for a Solstice Coupe

The gents at Winding Road (you remember those guys, right?) got up close and personal with Bob Lutz at a recent media event and asked him directly about whether or not a coupe version of the Pontiac Solstice was still in the works. The answer Lutz gave was guarded, but it clearly indicates a coupe was part of the plan all along and that, at least Lutz, still wants to build one that looks just like the concept that debuted back in 2002 (shown above). It seems that in order to make the business case for the Solstice sound, the coupe was left off the table at the first go round. General Motors will likely sit down to review the success of the Sostice so far and determine whether or not more economies of scale can be realized with another Kappa model, which at that point a Solstice Coupe will likely get a green light. Lutz goes on to call the decision to build a coupe "logical" and adds it would be very good for racing, which is an area in which the Solstice is enjoying some early success already.

[Source: Winding Road]

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