GM not killing the electric car after all

General Motors CEO, Rick Wagoner, has made overtures to the automotive press about the possibility of alternative fuel vehicles being debuted at the Los Angeles Auto Show this week.

The future of GM's green vehicles includes a substantial push in the realm of electric vehicles, but will likely begin with conveyances equipped with a "series hybrid." The technology would employ electric motors, utilizing power from lithium ion battery packs, mated to a "backup" engine, powered by either gasoline or diesel.

GM is also developing a plug-in hybrid, currently dubbed internally as the I-car, which will likely be debuted sometime in 2007.

The biggest hurdle on the horizon is the battery packs themselves, as current technology doesn't allow for a charge to be held long enough to give consumers the range they demand.

We'll be there to cover the General's unveilings on Wednesday, so, as always, watch this space.


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