Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) new blog: Driver's Seat

The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) started a blog last week called Driver's Seat that focuses on driving in Canada. Well, it's broader than that. The site has six posts up as I write this, and four are related to green driving issues. Rhonda Moore, of the CAA wrote in to tell AutoblogGreen that the blog will focus "on our key advocacy issues from a consumer advocacy perspective. In recent weeks, the environment/climate change and in particular eco-driving have become top of mind topics for us, our members and Canadians. We believe it will only continue to dominate our social and political agendas."

Good for the CAA to recognize that to reach their goal of "Safer drivers in safer vehicles on safer roads," the environment must be taken into account. The AAA doesn't have anything like this, do they?

[Source: Canadian Automobile Association]

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