DaimlerChrysler presents its first combined sustainability report: "360 DEGREES"

Following many other companies, DaimlerChrysler has issued its first corporate-wide sustainability report. The new report, dubbed "360 Degrees", replaces and combines two previous separate reports on the environment and corporate social responsibility that have been generated for some time. The format of the new report is based on the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines for companies to use in their reports on sustainability.

The report covers some of the environmental technology that DCX is developing such as BlueTec diesel emissions system and hydrogen fuel systems and their overall strategy in moving toward emissions-free mobility. There is also discussion of the efforts to clean up the manufacturing processes of the company and reduce pollution in areas such as water use, waste reduction and noise reduction. Finally, the report goes into corporate issues like ethics, social responsibility (no land mine production), human resources, and diversity. It's a very wide ranging report and it's available for for downloading at here. The DCX press release is after the jump.

[Source: DaimlerChrysler]
DaimlerChrysler Presents Its First Combined Sustainability Report: "360 DEGREES"

• DaimlerChrysler combines the former Environmental Report and the former Report on Corporate Social Responsibility
• Sustainability FACTS-Report and online presentation take their lead from the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Stuttgart – DaimlerChrysler has for the first time published a combined Sustainability Report. Titled "360 DEGREES," the publication covers the 2005 reporting period. In creating it, the company combined two publications that have a long tradition: the Environ-mental Report and the Report on Corporate Social Responsibility Report.
"This new publication stands for our holistic approach to ensuring sustainability," states Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of DaimlerChrysler AG and Head of the Mercedes Car Group. "In addition to pursuing long-term business success as a fundamental goal, we are committed to protecting the environment and addressing social requirements within our company and in society in general."

The coverage of DaimlerChrysler's sustainability activities in 2006 rests on three pillars: the publication "360 DEGREES - MAGAZINE
on Sustainability 2006," the report "360 DEGREES - FACTS on Sustainability 2006" and an equivalent website.

The FACTS-Report comprises sections titled "Global Group and Global Citizen," "Economy," "Ecology" and "Employees and Society." This compendium provides a comprehensive overview of DaimlerChrysler's strategies, activities and progress with respect to sustainability. The printed version of the FACTS-Report is supplemented by content on the Internet, at www.daimlerchrysler.com/sustainability.

In an "External Statement", Öko-Institut e.V., Berlin, gives its assessment of the DaimlerChrysler Sustainability Report. In addition to concluding that DaimlerChrysler has made significant progress in its sustainability activities, the institute also calls for the company to accelerate its efforts to master the challenges that remain and to take the next steps required to achieve mobility that is even more sustainable. Öko-Institut is one of Europe's leading independent research and consulting organizations in the field of sustainable development.

The report "360 DEGREES – FACTS on Sustainability 2006" and DaimlerChrysler's online presentation on sustainability take their lead from the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The GRI guidelines represent the globally recognized requirements to be met by companies in their reports on sustainability. They also provide stakeholders with a portrait of companies' achievements in the area of sustainability that is not only transparent, but also provides a sound framework for comparison. Using GRI as a basis, DaimlerChrysler will be further expanding its reporting on sustainability, and the integrated Sustainability Report will serve as a platform that makes it possible to offer even more comprehensive coverage of sustainability-related issues.

In the section of the MAGAZINE titled "Living Values" writers and photographers focus on activities that exemplify DaimlerChrysler's commitment to sustainability. The spectrum of the coverage ranges from cultural, ecological and social aspects to technology trends and requirements. The coverage includes a look at the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, the world's first car with an environmental certificate, activities and initiatives by socially conscious employees, the German Automotive Academy Afghanistan Gottlieb Daimler, and the company's long-standing involvement in the fight against HIV/AIDS in South Africa.

Readers will discover other articles dealing with hybrid buses in New York and the advantages of making diversity a central element in human resources policy. Also included are news on the benefits of using modular BLUETEC diesel technology in passenger cars and commercial vehicles, the Group's activities in sponsoring art and cultural programs, and the work performed in the Customer Assistance Center. In other words, readers of the MAGAZINE will gain an entertaining and informative impression of sustainability issues and a clear illustration of the various factors that shape the company's sustainable activities.

Additional information from DaimlerChrysler is available on the Internet at: http://www.media.daimlerchrysler.com and www.daimlerchrysler.com/sustainability

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