Carbon-neutral bluegrass Thanksgiving concert coming to Bay Area

You don't need to check out one of rock's giants (like CSNY or Pearl Jam) to get a biodiesel-fueled, carbon neutral music experience. If you're near Berkeley, California, you can enjoy your music and some clean air courtesy of local bluegrass band (and biofuel advocates) Three Mile Grade. The band and their friends are throwing a Thanksgiving Biofuels Bluegrass Bash on Wednesday, Nov. 22 that includes a carbon-neutral parade, a clean energy rally and a carbon-offset concert.
The event starts off with the parade from the Berkeley Biofuel Oasis to the Ashkenaz Music & Dance Community Center. Organizers are asking people to bring their "bicycle, hybrid, smart car or alt-fueled vehicle to showcase low-carbon, fossil-free transportation alternatives". For more information (like how to volunteer to videotape the event or for ticket info), visit the band's website.

[Source: Three Mile Grade via SF Biofuels]

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