Track Special: Ascari's new 625-hp A10, ready for MPH show


Last December, Ascari announced it was producing a new track-ready model more hard-core than its already quick KZ1. Now the British sportscar manufacturer of the KZ1 is ready to take the wraps off its new supercar in just a few days at the 2006 MPH show in England, and is giving us a sneak peek at its new crown jewel.

Unlike the FXX, which, technically at least, is a track-only car and not certified for road use (the Ferrari doesn't even have side-view mirrors), the A10 is road legal, though we suspect the ground-scraping ultra-low ride height and the race-spec suspension will mean it's more suitable for the track. The new Ascari is also a great deal less expensive than the FXX – about a third the price, actually: the FXX costs about €1.5 million, and the A10 costs "just" €522k. (Though, to be fair, the FXX price incorporates participation in a development program and includes storage, transportation, and upgrades to the equipment as they're developed.) Only ten of the super-quick Ascaris will be built to order for fortunate customers, who can also specify electronic "luxuries" like power windows, locks and mirrors, climate control and alarm system.

Now for the good stuff: the new Ascari ups the power from its 5-liter V8 from about 500 in the KZ1 to 625 horsepower in the A10. With carbon fiber body panels, the car weighs just 1200kg and is said to be capable of hitting 60 mph in 2.8 seconds and 100 in under 6. Those are some impressive claims, but with that much power and such low weight...well, let's just say we're dying to see it in action.

[Source: Ascari via AutoMotorPortal]

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