Audi A2 design focus

With Audi's reputation for beautiful design, it's not surprising that many freelance designers and design students choose Audi as the subject of their design projects. Because of this, Audi wünderboard, Fourtitude, has begun a series of articles "focusing on an independent take on Audi design." Sometimes people outside Audi's design studios come up with an interesting idea or direction that may be different from Audi's internal design language, and this offers a venue to share. For its first subject in the series, design student Luis Camino offers his take on the much-rumored next-generation Audi A2 (or A1, depending on who you ask).

Currently working on his transportation design degree at the Academy of Art University of San Francisco, Luis Camino also happens to run several websites, including one focused on car design and his education. Camino notes that his love for Audi is pretty obvious once you visit his sites, as Audi designs dominate. His drawings here are some sketches of the much-rumored MINI competitor, the Audi A1. We tend to agree with Fourtitude when they say Camino's drawings look more like an Audi design than most of the digital renderings we've seen. More evolution than revolution, they represent a tasteful execution of the Audi look on this small platform. Slightly retro, but using much of the Shooting Brake concept, it manages to incorporate the features that make competitors such as Volvo's C30, Renault's Megane and the MINI successful, while giving it a uniquely Audi look. More images and insight into the design process available by following the read link.

[Source: Fourtitude]

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