Toyota driving forward sustainable technologies with Aim: Zero Emissions


Toyota has long been a leader in trying to make their cars less stressful on the environment. They have created plug-in electric vehicles like the RAV4-EV, fuel cell demonstrators and introduced the first mass produced hybrid-electric vehicle with the Prius. They have even licensed their hybrid technology to other automakers like Ford and Nissan. Now Toyota Motor Europe is promoting an "Aim: Zero Emissions" philosophy. They are initiating a Europe wide print and Internet campaign along with sponsoring a series of "Green Design" movies. The movies are being shown on television channels like BBC World, Euronews and National Geographic. The company is also promoting their environmental efforts throughout the manufacturing process. Their goal is apparently to eventually make the entire process environmentally neutral from the raw materials to final vehicles to recycling the vehicles at end of life. The Green Design movies from 2004 and 2005 can be viewed at the Toyota Europe web site here. The press release is after the jump.

[Source: Toyota]

Can we enjoy a cleaner environment whilst continuing to drive our cars? Toyota believes that we can. While exhaust emissions are the most visible sign of how cars can negatively affect the environment, every part of a car's life cycle has an impact. That's why Toyota applies innovative environmental solutions to car design, manufacture and use, right through to recycling.

"It's the only way to reach our ultimate aim of zero emissions," says Eric Drosin, Manager Corporate Communications, Toyota Motor Europe.

Toyota Motor Europe is actively promoting its 'aim: zero emissions' ethos through a pan-European print and interactive campaign on leading websites such as,, and Equally, 'Green Design' movies, sponsored by Toyota, highlight cutting-edge environmental technologies which bring tangible benefits to consumers today. These are currently featured on major television channels including Euronews, BBC World and National Geographic.

Toyota has effectively set the pace towards zero emissions vehicles with its hybrid engine technology – the cleanest engine technology on the market. Toyota launched the world's first mass-produced hybrid car – the Prius – in 1997, and is recognised as the leading manufacturer of hybrid vehicles, with over 750,000 sold to date. Today, Toyota has the most extensive hybrid model line up of any car manufacturer. Within the next few years, Toyota will expand its hybrid model line up two-fold, and expects to sell over 1 million hybrid cars annually by the early 2010s.

The company's commitment to reducing energy, water, paint and packaging waste during the manufacturing process is designed to further limit environmental impact. The Toyota Production System (TPS) has resulted in tangible environmental benefits across Toyota's eight European plants: a 37% reduction in energy used to build each car; a 34% reduction in water usage; a 21% reduction in emissions from paint usage; and a significant reduction in packaging waste, by using returnable or recyclable packaging.
Toyota recognises the clear link between mobility, the environment and economic growth, and believes that the growth of its business depends on the success of sustainable mobility.

"Sustainable mobility is good for everyone: consumers, the environment and Toyota," adds Mr Drosin, "We're developing advanced technologies in order to protect the environment, as well as ensure our continued growth."

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