Tucson, AZ and Oneonta, NY going bio-diesel


Two more cities are converting their municipal diesel vehicle fleets to run B20 biodiesel. Tucson, AZ ran a test of B20 in some of their vehicles this past summer and have recently decided to use the fuel in the bulk of their fleet including various diesel powered trucks. They estimate that they will use about 200,000 fewer gallons of petroleum diesel each year. Tucson has a deal for the biodiesel that will save them about 5 cents per gallon. Meanwhile across the country in central New York, the city of Oneonta has moved their 14 transit buses and most of their fire trucks and ambulances to biodiesel. The city got a grant from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority to cover 75 percent of the infrastructure installation and conversion. Oneonta is also looking at hybrid and electric vehicles for future use.

[Source: GreenCarCongress.com]

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