Audi planning parade on Park Avenue

We feel lucky having been one of a relatively small group of people to see the Audi R8 in person at the 2006 Paris Motor Show. We won't feel so special after next Wednesday, however, when Audi is planning a parade in the Big Apple that will be lead by the company's new two-seat, mid-engine road rocket. Millions of New Yorkers will be able to catch a glimpse of the R8 leading a pack of Audis that also includes the R10 TDI racecar currently dominating the American Le Mans Series and a 1938 Auto Union Type D Silver Arrow, which represents the line of world's first mid-engined racecars. Why all the hubbub? The celebration commemorates the opening of the newly created Audi Forum New York City, which is not exactly a dealership but what the marketing folk call a "brand awareness venue".

If you're in the area, the procession's going to begin at 10AM EST next Wednesday and start at 52th and Park Avenue. The cars will be flanked by New York City's finest as they drive down to 47th where they'll be parked outside the new Audi Forum NYC for people to inspect. Expect a few celebrities to be present, and supposedly some will be commissioned to drive the vehicles, as well. The occasion will technically mark the first time a production R8 has been seen outside in open air, although we've seen plenty of uncamouflaged mules the last few months. If you're planning to attend, takes pics and send them to abresearch at gmail dot com.

[Source: Fourtitude]

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