Photo Gallery: Audi R8 and Le Mans Quattro

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In the next few hours, the all-out Paris coverage will begin in earnest, so let's take a moment to have a second look at yesterday's big reveal, the Audi R8. The styling has drawn both positive an negative reactions from readers. Some wonder what the fuss is all about, while others see beauty in its lines. Striking may be a better word for the appearance, and that's not a bad thing at all. The squinty LED headlamps and the finned intakes flanking the grille give the car a purposeful look when viewed head-on. In profile, there's some TT in the roof's curvature, and the long area aft of the door (a necessity due to the engine's placement) is broken up nicely by the aluminum or carbon fiber insert residing there.

Audi Le Mans quattro concept The thing that's most impressive about the R8, though, is that it's basically identical in appearance to the Audi Le Mans concept that spawned it (right). Sure, you can split hairs on minor details like the exhaust location, but to do so is to miss the point. Other companies' concept cars are often pure flights of fancy, where maybe you see a few design cues make it into production. Audi has a track record of building things almost exactly as they first appeared. Look at the TT and the Pikes Peak Quattro (Q7). More often than not, Audi concepts give you something you can truly look forward to.

After the jump, you'll find the latest R8 photos from Audi in all their high-res glory. Just for fun, we've included shots of the Le Mans concept as well. Open 'em up, compare, and most of all, enjoy.

(Additional photos after the jump)

[Source: Audi AG]


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