Euro 5 for 2009

Auto Industry reports that the European Parliament Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety has voted in favor of September 1, 2009 as the starting date for Euro 5 emissions standards. After the transitional periods (January 2011 for private cars and January 2012 for light commercial vehicles), new vehicles that don't comply with Euro 5 standards will not receive EC or national-type approval.

In addition to stricter standards on emissions, Euro 5 also dictates that auto manufacturers give independent repair shops information on vehicle repairs related to emissions.

Some members of the European Parliament are already calling for talks and deadlines of even stricter standards (Euro 6). Among them, popular starting dates are September 2014 for private cars and September 2015 for light commercial vehicles.

Note: Wikipedia's got a good summary page on European emissions standards.

[Source: Auto Industry]

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