GM launches CNG-powered Optra in India

General Motors over the weekend launched the Indian version of the Chevrolet Optra that runs on compressed natural gas. The Optra CNG will cost Rs. 8.10 lakh and owners of standard Optras 1.6 can get a CNG conversion kit installed for Rs 49,000 and their warranties will be retained, according to The Hindu. Convertins an Optra to CNG technically makes it a bi-fuel vehicle, since the car can still run on petrol. Nonetheless, GM will begin selling the Optra CNG in markets where CNG fuel is readily available. This includes the cities of Delhi, Mumbai and Gujarat. Running on CNG will reduce operating costs by 70 percent and the Optra will be able to travel about 150 kilometers between refills, says Web India 123.
[Source: The Hindu, Web India 123]

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