Update on the smell of biodiesel

I guess it's not all clean and green at biodiesel plants? After my post yesterday about the promised odor-free biodiesel plant in Evansville, Wisconsin, AutoblogGreen reader Jamison sent in this link to an NPR story about a horrible smell coming from a biodiesel plant in Carthage, Miss. While the supposedly smell-free Evansville plant will use soybeans, the Carthage plant, operated by Renewable Environmental Services, takes waste from the Butterball turkey plant next door and uses thermal conversion technology, which attempts to copy the earth's natural process, to turn the waste into oil (we wrote about this plant a month ago). Turns out, that process was smelly, smelly, smelly.
Residents and tourists to historic Carthage said the smell was unbearable, and took refuge indoors. After city officials went to a court to ask the plant be shut down, company officials said they were working on the problem. RES installed ozone scrubbers, thermal oxidizers, and caused negative pressure inside the plant to eliminate the smell. With the plant located just a few blocks from downtown, these measure were important, and did clean up the air somewhat. Carthage residents are in favor of the plant, but only if it is odor-free, as plant officials promised before opening. Sound familiar?

[Source: NPR, thanks to Jamison]

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