Ford Bold Moves: Episode 2 - Commitment to Design


Half Real World, half late-night SPEED channel documentary, Ford's Bold Moves campaign is onto its second episode, Commitment to Design. Ford design gurus J Mays, Peter Horbury and Hau Thai-Tang chime in to accept responsibility for bringing Ford back from the abyss via design. The episode hones in on vehicles such as the Ford Iosis, Superchief truck and Shelby GR-1 to show how Ford is going after bold flavors of design and not vanilla to get its "design mojo back," as Mark Fields says in the episode.

As a bonus, check out an article on the site by our very own John Neff, "The Inside Story: Why A Car's Interior Design Matters More Than Ever" -- you can even vote for our fearless leader's contribution by logging into the Bold Moves site.


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