Global Commodities biofuel plant out of business update

Following up on yesterday's post about Global Commodities, the UK biofuel producer, going out of business, AutoblogGreen reader Sarah Turner points us to a bit of news that helps explain why the company – which has been so optimistic about changing the world through biofuels – is no more.

The Telegraph newspaper reported earlier this month that Global Commodities faced major fines in March and May for noise pollution and for polluting a drainage ditch with oil. The fines totaled 41,000 pounds (about $75,000 US) and chairman Dennis Thouless blamed over-regulation for the plant's closing. He said the Americans were now, "Ten times in front of us, not because of technical knowledge but because we have bureaucrats sitting on our backs."

It's fine to complain, Dennis, but if you want to make a cleaner world, you don't pour oil down the drain.

[Source:, Thanks to Sarah Turner]

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