UK biodiesel producer Global Commodities is out of business

There is very little "why" information available, but the "what" news is that the self-proclaimed "leading producer of bio-diesel in the UK" is out of business. The company, Global Commodities, is in liquidation, selling off its plant and business sundries. Until the recent announcement, Global Commodities made a branded version of B100 they called driveECO that was launched in 2002. It's a little depressing now to look back at the company's optimistic press releases about "Powering Ahead On Green Vision" and "Green Scheme 'Will Help Fuel A Better World'", mostly because there are so many other companies that are putting out similarly-worded releases today.

Last year, when Global Commodities announced a new biodiesel facility in Hulll (in Northeast England), a spokesman for one of Global Commodities' partners, Rix Biodiesel, said, "Demand is far outstripping supply and we desperately need this additional amount [of biodiesel]."

Thanks to reader Sarah Turner for this tip, and I think it's worth passing on her suspicion that it's the high cost of production of biodiesel, coupled with the same taxes the UK government levies on biodiesel and regular diesel, that may have caused the belly up.

[Source: Global Commodities, Thanks to Sarah Turner for the tip]

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