San Francisco gets Executive Directive to use more biodiesel

Biodiesel and San Francisco. Now, where have I heard those two mentioned together before? Oh, yes, all over the place (click here for just some examples). Seems like the city can't get enough biofuel these days, and now Mayor Gavin Newsom has issued an Executive Directive to increase the pace of municipal use of biodiesel, according to Renewable Energy Access. The directive forces, among other things, diesel-using departments to report all diesel equipment to the mayor's office by July 1 and start using B20 "as soon as practicable" in this equipment. The goal is to be using B100 everywhere by the end of 2007. The City took the steps to reducing air pollution way back in 1999 with the Healthy Air and Smog Prevention ordinance. This ordinance required City fleets to buy green vehicles, and today there are over 800 alternative fuel vehicles operated by the City.
[Source: Renewable Energy Access]

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